Last updated on September 26th, 2024 at 03:18 pm

Hi! We're MGE: Management Experts.

We teach real systems for dental practice efficiency, teamwork, profitability and growth.

We deliver fun, engaging and practical courses and seminars around the US & Canada and work with dentists one-on-one to help them implement successfully.

With over 25,000 seminar attendees, you probably know someone who’s been to our seminars.

Seminar Attendees
Average Client Growth Over 5 Years
0 %
Patients' Lives Touched By Our Dental Clients

About MGE: Management Experts

There’s no shortage of dental practice management or marketing firms. Many appear to offer the exact same services. It’s a wonder the average dentist doesn’t hit “information overload” from the choices available. It makes it difficult to determine which would be the best option for your individual practice.

So, you might be wondering: “What’s so special about MGE: Management Experts, Inc.?” Well, beyond the fact that we are arguably the largest dental practice management firm in the US if not the world, what truly makes us stand out is one thing: RESULTS.

At MGE, we live, sleep and breathe results. Clients come to us with a purpose – to improve conditions in their practice. If you read any of our literature or speak with one or more MGE clients you’ll see we uniformly get results: Doubled, tripled or quintupled revenues or new patients, less stress and financial success. Oftentimes, the results we get are so outrageous they may be hard to believe. It’s not uncommon to have prospective clients ask if they are real. Yes, they are. And with hard work and dedication you too could have similar results.

Like our results, the manner in which we help clients to obtain them are unique.

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Our Story

The idea that started it all

In 1991, Luis Colón joined a small consulting firm working with healthcare professionals. Their approach of applying sound business and organizational principles to healthcare practices was promising—but Luis quickly spotted a major flaw in the traditional consulting model. Namely, what happens when the consultant leaves? Many clients wind up becoming dependent on their consultant long-term or have nowhere to turn to when they encounter new struggles after ending the relationship.

So, Luis had a thought: what if he gave clients the same knowledge and tools that he had learned so they could, in essence, “become their own consultants”? This was the birth of MGE: Management Experts.

Creating a new approach

Luis brought on the core leadership team to design the training methodology, including Jeff Blumberg, Sabri Blumberg, Mike Menkhaus and Amy Menkhaus. And one of the first graduates of the early MGE program was Gregory A. Winteregg, DDS. Greg’s practice flourished with this system, quickly rising up into the top 4% of dental practices nationwide, all while cutting his work time to 22 hours a week! Looking to share this success with the rest of the dental profession, he decided to sell his practice and join MGE as a partner.

Studying the profession and making great use of Dr. Winteregg’s first-hand experience as an MGE client, MGE’s leadership team constructed what would be known today as the MGE Power Program.

Combining the knowledge required to have a successful practice and MGE’s unique delivery methods, the MGE Power Program quickly became the preeminent dental management education and coaching program in the industry! It features training that’s easy to comprehend and apply so as to maximize results. Clients would achieve stellar levels of management excellence without needing to go back to school for years and years!


With an average growth rate of 232%*, word spread quickly, leading MGE to become the largest practice management education firm of its kind in North America. We have worked with tens of thousands of dentists over the years helping them to grow far beyond the industry standards and create the businesses and lifestyles they want.

The true impact, though, is measured in the number of lives we’ve touched for the better. With all of our clients’ exponential growth, they have helped millions more patients improve their oral health, employed tens of thousands of people with great jobs, and improved their personal lives by having less stress and more time with their families.

Our clients have also been amazingly dedicated to giving back, teaming up with us to support organizations and countless social betterment and charitable organizations that have positively impacted millions more lives.


While the business consulting industry is often rife with “flash in the pan” businesses that make big claims and fizzle out quickly, MGE’s approach has stood the test of time.

It is always incredibly rewarding to work with multi-generational clients—watching a client achieve long-term success and then seeing their children, now grown up, coming to MGE to get the same education their parents received and carry their businesses to even greater heights.

We are always adding new talented people to our team to evolve and add new viewpoints, but also when you look through the MGE team you’ll find the many key team members that have been at the helm for decades: the original leadership team for over 25 years, our VP Administration and Client Services director for nearly 20 years, our Marketing Director, Practical Director, and several Course Supervisors for 12+ years, Client Services team members for 10+ years, and many more. It goes to show that MGE is the type of place people want to be a part of long-term and know they are making a positive impact.

One such key team member was the late Dr. Greg Winteregg, who sadly passed in 2021. Greg was an incredible human being and was indispensable in creating MGE as we know it today. His contributions and teachings will forever be a part of the MGE program, and we strive to carry on his enthusiastic spirit and passion for helping people.

Staying on the cutting edge

We’ve worked closely with thousands of dentists, continually tracking practice performance and statistics. And not only that—we’ve also conducted tens of thousands of in-depth practice analyses with doctors attending our CE seminars.

All of which has kept our finger on the pulse of dentistry in a way that few other individuals or organizations could. We’ve kept abreast of new trends as they emerge, tested and tracked new methods, and have been able to immediately take advantage of advancements. Nobody works harder than us to stay on the cutting edge!

You will also find many new additions to the Instructor Team and CE Advisory Board, such as Dr. Shilpa and Mr. Rushi Trivedi, Drs. Rich and Vera Salvatore, Drs. Arvind Philomin and Divya Adusumilli, and Drs. Artin Barzgar and Desabeh Pakpour. These new team members add a fresh outlook as Power Program graduates that actively own and operate some of the most productive and efficient dental practices in the nation. We look forward to working with them for many years to come!

MGE Today

Today over 1,000 people per month engage in MGE training between our Florida headquarters, California branch office, and online learning portal.

We have a team of over 65 amazing staff that are always happy to help you with anything you need. It has never been easier to get management help and learn! You can attend a live CE seminar online, enroll in an online course, schedule a video meeting, see us at our California office, or come to our 55,000 square foot facility in Florida.

And most importantly, we remain as focused as ever on getting the best possible results for our clients. In 2020, we were amazed to find that more of our clients saw highest-ever production and collections than any prior years—despite being shutdown part of the year for the pandemic. And then in 2021 and 2022, that trend continued with unprecedented growth, not just surviving through the economic instability but thriving more than ever before.

The MGE Facility: It’s Pretty Big!

OUR OFFICE IN ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA is 55,000 square feet and was designed around how we deliver services.  It includes:

1. Seminar Rooms: Two seminar rooms. A smaller one for more intimate seminars (100 people or less) and our primary seminar room seating up to 300, with state of the art audio-visual equipment.

2. Courses: MGE courses are delivered differently from seminars. On a course, you study a set body of materials while working with an MGE supervisor to ensure comprehension. They further break down into straight theory study and practical (application). To accommodate this, our theory and practical course rooms seat close to 200 students.

3. Consultation spaces: Bridging the gap between training and implementation, MGE’s Practical Consultants work one-on-one with our clients to ensure they’re ready to implement. With twelve consultation spaces, MGE has adequate facilities to both accommodate our current client base and provide for future expansion.


The MGE: Management Experts Curriculum

Our full curriculum and catalog of services can be viewed online or sent to you free of charge by calling (800) 640-1140 or emailing us at

You won’t know if MGE is right for you—really—until you find out for yourself. Start out with the MGE NEW PATIENT WORKSHOP.  It comes with a money back guarantee.  To find out more, contact Jeff at (800) 640-1140 or email